SNL’s – The Anal Retentive Chef Hosts Martha Stewart

The Anal Retentive ChefHave you been vaccinated?
Martha StewartYes
The Anal Retentive ChefHave you had your full booster series?
Martha StewartWell two of them, I have to wait until next month to get the last one
The Anal Retentive ChefWell then, I’m afraid I can’t let you on the show.
Martha StewartWhat?! – But I’ve been in quarantine for weeks!
The Anal Retentive ChefI’m sorry, those are the rules
Martha StewartWell isn’t there anything we can do? I have my own show to do too you know
The Anal Retentive ChefWell, I suppose we might be able to work something out…
Cut to Martha climbing in and trying to do a cooking show in a hazmat suit with him freaking out about her making a mess and contaminating things which he then has to tripple bad and label bio-hazard, etc