John and Scorpius at Home

SNL Sketch Remake of John Lovetts as Harvey Firestein and Dana Carvey as John Travolta “Gay Blue Bee” Sketch featuring John Crighton and Scorpius from Farscape

JohnNot now Scorpi, I’m watching the game
ScorpiiusJohn, what if i was a bee? a gay blue bee, John? would you find me attractive then John?
JohnI don’t know Scorpi, that’s so weird!
ScorpiiusAnd what do you think for my gimp suit I should go with traditional PVC Black or perhaps Blue? What do you think John, Black or Blue? Black or Blue John? Black or Blue? do you think my ass looks fat in this blue one john?
JohnScorpi you’re so weird.
ScorpiiusYour mother was a lizard John.
JohnOuch, it hurts cause its true, I love you, it hurts!
